Many people believe Christianity that it is all work and no play. This is not the case. I found 17 examples of things Christians can do for fun.
What can Christians do for fun? Christians can do a lot of things for fun. For example:
- Board games
- Watch a movie
- Read a book
- Paint
- Take a road trip
- Go out into nature
- Play sports
- Cook/bake
- Hang out with friends
- Volunteer
Here are some general ideas when looking for something fun to do.
1. Play a Board Game
Who wouldn’t want to gather around a table and pull out some classic board games? Board games can be a lot of fun, especially with friends and family.
They allow us to spend time with others while having lots of fun.
Playing board games can be a time of community as well as a time to laugh and have fun. There are of course Bible trivia board games if you want to grow your Bible knowledge, but there are other classic games that are lots of fun to play.
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31
2. Watch a Movie
If you are looking for a fun and relaxing way to enjoy an evening, watching a movie might be perfect. There are bad films out there that may not be the best to watch, but there are just as many good films to choose from.
Hanging out with friends or family can be a great way to have fun and enjoy something together. My family and I always discuss the movie after we watch it talking about our favorite parts or what we would have done as the main character.
Watching a movie may look like staying in and watching a movie with your family and microwave popcorn. Itt could also look like going out with your friends to a movie theater.
Here is a blog filled with quality TV shows or families or adults.
3. Read a Book
Reading is another fun and entertaining activity when looking for something fun to do. Yet again it is good to use wisdom when picking out a book, but there are plenty of books out there that are exciting and enjoyable to read.
Reading a book for fun could be reading a chapter a week, or reading a couple of pages every night.
While reading can be done alone, you can also read with your family, or join a book club and discuss the book together.
There are also many Christian books to help you grow in your faith you can find some in The 10 Best Christian Books You Should Read.
4. Paint
Painting is something that you don’t even have to be good at to enjoy. All you need is some brushes, paint, and paper to create art.
Painting can be a relaxing activity as you use colors to create a picture.
There is a wide variety of what you can paint and the style you use, it is a chance to be creative without any pressure.
Yet again, this is a fun activity that you can also do with friends. You can even find a lesson on youtube on how to paint. It can be a great way to have fun, be creative, and spend time with friends.
5. Take a Road Trip
Traveling can be lots of fun, road trips can be especially fun because it is more than just about the destination, but also about the drive.
There is a lot to explore in the world, and no matter how close or far you travel you are bound to find beauty in God’s creation, historical sites, and/or fun places to explore.
Road trips can also be a time to grow in relationships with whoever you are traveling with. I have had some deep spiritual conversation while driving through miles of field
I have had lots of fun moments of karaoke in the car. Road trips can be a great way to have fun in a new setting.
6. Enjoy Nature
There are so many ways to enjoy nature, and when enjoying nature you are getting to see God’s creation. There is a wide variety of activities outside, some enjoy camping and fishing, some enjoy hikes and bird watching.
Being outside takes you away from many distractions that sometimes crowd our day.
There are options to be fully immersed in nature where you lose cell service and sleep in tents, or you can take a scenic drive through parks and forests to also enjoy all God has created.
You can enjoy nature in so many ways, and it is a great option when looking for fun activities for the afternoon of the whole weekend.
Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.
Psalm 126:2
7. Watching Sport
Many people enjoying watching sports. Watching sports in person, or on Television can be a lot of fun.
Watching sports can be a lot of fun as you observe the amazing skills that other people have, and have a fun time cheering for one team or another.
It is also a great way to get together with family and friends and enjoy the company of people even if they are rooting for the opposing team.
Sports can be an opportunity to get together with friends from almost any setting and have a healthy competitive spirit.
8. Cooking, Baking, & Grilling
Creating anything can be a lot of fun, and make you feel very accomplished after you have finished, this is no exception to food.
Cooking, baking, and grilling are all fun ways to make your favorite snack and really enjoy the process. It can be very satisfying to grill or bake your favorite cookies.
As God’s creation we were created with talents, and the ability to create, so we can make food to the glory of God.
9. Go Out with Friends
Community and friendship are always fun. Community is biblical. God created us to be in community with each other. This is one reason church is so important.
We need community more than just once a week.
Hanging out with friends could be doing any of the other activities listed but with your friends, or it could mean getting coffee together, or going to a restaurant for dinner or having a picnic.
Community is something we need and can be a lot of fun, so be intentional to spend time with friends and grow relationships.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
10. Enjoy Music
Music can be so much fun to listen to, sing to, and even create. Enjoying music is broad because so many people enjoy music in many different ways.
Some people love to sing along to their favorite songs or play them on their guitar, others enjoy going to concerts to hear their favorite artist.
Music is beautiful. I’d encourage you to use wisdom when selecting music to listen to. Be aware of other people’s convictions as well.
Read this article to learn more about if Christians should listen to secular music and then decide what you believe.
Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre!
Psalm 149:3
11. Write
Writing is a way to express yourself and can be another fun creative outlet. Not everyone enjoys writing, but many find it as a way to create stories and express emotions.
This is an activity that is also more an activity to do alone, but there are lots of clubs and groups that come together to read each other’s writing and give advice.
Even if you are not the best writer out there you can still bring glory to God through your writing.
Grab a pen and paper and start writing!
12. Go to a Theme Park
Theme parks can be a lot of fun, and there is nothing inherently wrong with them. Going to theme parks can be a chance to get together with friends and have a good time.
Enjoying rides, enjoying food, and playing games can all be lots of fun.
Theme parks are fun activity for anyone.
Overall going on rollercoasters with friends can be a time to enjoy the people you are with and make memories together.
13. Start a New Hobby
This may seem very vague, but if there has ever been a sport or activity you have wanted to try, go for it. Having a hobby can be lots of fun and there are so many options.
You can use your skills and talents in a fun way that is also honoring God. It is important that the hobby you decide on is Christ-like and will not cause yourself or another Christian to stumble.
There are many good choices out there from RC cars to sewing, drawing comics to gardening, they can all be ways to have fun, grow your skills, and glorify God.
14. Volunteering
Not everyone thinks that volunteering can be fun, but it is an activity that with the right people can be a party while helping others.
If you want to hang out with friends, maybe instead of grabbing food and having a meal together you could head to a food bank and help organize and give food to those in need.
I have made a lot of great memories this way, and have met some great people when volunteering places.
Maybe even volunteering at an animal shelter you may get to walk dogs, male crafts with kids in an after-school program.
Through volunteering, you will also find a deeper sense of satisfaction as you are working towards building the kingdom of God and not just having, but helping others in the process.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
15. Fitness & Sports
Going outdoors, or staying indoors, moving around is very important and can be a lot of fun. God has given us amazing bodies, and playing sports outside or simply stretching indoors can be lots of fun.
It does not have to be an organized sport of planned workout session, but even going for a walk, or going to a lake and swimming or paddle-boarding can be lots of fun and create great experiences.
I have not always enjoyed working out, but I find when I get together with friends it can be a lot of fun as we encourage each other and work together.
16. Have a Bonfire
Invite friends and family over for a bonfire. You can sing worship songs around the campfire or play games.
Bonfires are a great and easy way to have a fun evening.
You could also invite your neighbors to your bonfire as a way to get to know your community better.
Grab some chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows and you’re set for a lovely evening!
17. Host A Prayer Night/Bible Study
You could invite your friends over for a prayer night or Bible study.
You can all have dinner together and then spend time in the Word of God or praying.
A group of young adults have a prayer night together weekly. It’s always a great time of community. It’s helped them to build strong relationships as they seek the Lord together.
You could also join a Bible study at church. This is a great way to meet new people and enjoy time with fellow believers
The Importance Of Having Fun
Life as a Christian means living not for ourselves but God. We see throughout scripture that life as a Christian is full of struggles and hardships, and unlike the rest of the world, we are not trying to live life to please ourselves, but become more like Christ.
All of this does not mean that we must always be miserable, or there is no time for being relaxed or having fun.
Many non-believers when they look at Christianity see rules and regulations and think there is no room for fun.
Having fun with friends, doing hobbies, or relaxing can help prepare us for the week ahead, taking time to rejuvenate ourselves can positively impact our week and help us become more like Christ.
God can use our time solving a puzzle or having dinner with friends to His glory.
A Caution For Christians
While fun can be a good thing that can help build us up as Christians, some activities can seem to be fun that will harm and keep us from growing into a better relationship with Jesus.
‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build up.
1 Corinthians 10:23
While we have the freedom to do what we want, what we do is not always helpful to our walk with Christ and will not build us up.
The subject of fun in a Christian’s life can be hard to understand because a lot of wisdom is needed on whether or not the activities we engage in are beneficial for us, or if they are keeping us back from becoming more like Christ.
It can be hard to decide what movie to watch because it may not be helpful to you as a Christian, or hanging out with friends.
Community is very important, but some people may tear you down, or pull you into ungodly conversations. It is in these situations wisdom is needed.
This is not to say you shouldn’t interact with unbelievers, but simply to remind you to use wisdom. If you aren’t strong in your faith, unbelievers may try to sway you to do things you don’t want to do.
The Lord is your anchor. Ask Him for wisdom as you enter into friendships with unbelievers. I pray you would trust the Lord to give you direction and guidance.
He is with you all the time. He wants you to be filled with joy and enjoy the things He’s created for us. He also wants you to engage with unbelievers.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:8,9
In Philippians we are given a list of what we should set our minds on, these are all good things that we should invest in.
This verse can become a good checklist before deciding how to spend your time to make sure that you are glorifying God in all that you do.
The Christian life is not dry or boring. Following God is the most exciting thing you can do. Seek after Him and enjoy the journey!