Youth ministers and church organizations have been looking for the perfect youth -group curriculum globally. From showing the importance of being a disciple to knowing exactly what a group of teenagers need to learn is a tricky topic. Teens and preteens want to have the interaction to avoid being bored, but they also need a lesson to expand their knowledge about the Bible’s truth.
In this article, I am going to be covering five different curriculums that are free with just a click of a button. Also, I will be providing you the top five best-ranked curriculums that religious organizations have ranked as the most helpful.
5 Free Curriculums
Finding the best free youth curriculums is not as easy as others would think. I have compiled not only the basic facts of each curriculum but the background information of them as well.
1. YM360
YM360 is a completely free discipleship framework for teenagers. This curriculum is to help grow and show a youth’s life in and out of the church. All content for YM360 is Baptist theologically.
Author Background
Andy Blanks has been in youth ministry for 15 years. He runs and writes all of the content for YM360 (Youth Ministry 360). In June of 1995-March 2004, he used to serve as an E-4 in the infantry at the United States Marine Corps. He graduated from the University of Alabama with a bachelor’s in Professional Writing/Public Discourse and English Lit. In 2003 Blanks have authored several novels and countless articles and youth seminars. Blanks lives in Birmingham, Alabama with his wife, three daughters, and son.
What’s Included
Ym360 provides ‘freebies‘ on their site which range from free lessons to youth group ideas. Here are the main categories that are free and accessible with just one click of a button.
This site also provides packages for purchase for events through YM360 Weekends. Here, you can order a package that includes t-shirts, graphics, posters, lessons, etc. You can click the link here to see the variety of bundles and themes for your youth group.
2. Disciple 6
Disciple 6 is a six-year curriculum used specifically for teenagers who want to be disciples of Jesus. The desire for this program is to see teenagers who, for the glory of the Father and in the power of the Spirit, spend a lifetime embracing the full supremacy of the Son. This is by responding to His kingly reign in all of a person’s testimony, inviting Christ to live His life through them, and joining Him in making disciples among all peoples.

Disciple 6 equips their believers for now and for a lifetime. This curriculum is available as a free PDF download and also a free smartphone/tablet download. Southwestern Seminary believes every teenager and every church deserves the best discipleship resources, regardless of the economic situation.
Author Background
Disciple 6 is created through Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. It is a private, non-profit institution located in Forth Worth, Texas and was established in 1908. It is one of the largest seminaries in the world and is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, and the National Association of Schools of Music.
What’s Included
This specific curriculum provides 210 lessons. There is a link that will download the leader’s guide. This document outlines all the lessons, surrounding context, and scriptures for you to have your youth memorize and study.
all lessons
Since Disciple 6 is a six-year program, there are six colors with a specific subject of each one. All curriculums follow the following subjects:
- Apologetics
- Biblical interpretation
- Biblical relationships
- Core doctrines
- Ethics
- Evangelism/Missions
- Servant leadership
- Spiritual disciplines
- Worldview/culture
All lessons can be downloaded in one file or can be accessible for each individual subject here.
Supplementary Resources
In addition to the six years of core lessons, there will also be supplementary lessons listed.
- Engaging Jewish People with the Gospel
- Disciple6 main slide
- Disiple6 cover image
- Disciple6 logo
Also, students who complete one to six years of the Disciple6 curriculum can receive the first-semester scholarship to the College of Southwestern.
1 year of study 10% Tuition Discount
2 years of study 25% Tuition Discount
3 years of study 50% Tuition Discount
4–5 years of study 75% Tuition Discount
6 years of study 100% Tuition Discount
3. Open Network
Open Life Chuch’s (Open Network) main mission is to help equip churches globally. Not one single church can reach everyone, but when the body of Christ work and bond together all of humanity can reach others internationally.
Author’s Background
This religious institution has created an entire library of virtual resources, training guides, and apps for other churches to access. This is to help improve and increase the growth of all the church’s participants and knowledge of Christ’s love and truth.
What’s Included
Open Network provides high-quality and free lesson packages. These bundles range from older elementary students through middle/high school students.
There are two different categories for the free lessons.
4. Novo Ministries
Everything that Novo creates is given away and free. From curriculum to visuals, to supporting program resources, this site provides lessons (from the range of 5-10 weeks) that bring up important situations in the world.
Author’s Background
Novo exists to break cycles of destruction, create hope, and instill a sense of purpose through life-changing mentoring relationships with boys and girls in need.
What’s Included
Here are just a few of the lessons that are available for free:
- True Friends– 10 Lessons
- Fully Equipped– 10 Lessons
- Assembly Required– 5 Lessons
- Chain Reaction– 10 Lessons
- Run The Race– 10 Lessons
- The Great Adventure- 5 Lessons
- Who Am I– 10 Lessons
- Choose God– 10 Lessons
- Deeper– 10 Lessons
- Promises– 10 Lessons
- Reflections– 10 Lessons
- Salt & Light– 10 Lessons
- Teach Us To Pray– 10 Lessons
If you are interested in checking out more of there lessons, click here.
5. Vineyard Youth
The regional youth leaders of Vineyard Youth are located across the country of America. Regional youth leaders from each region have volunteered to work and connect as all youth workers in the Vineyard relational level.
Each lesson is strategically put together for the benefit of teaching the youth about the church, the Lord, and the importance of loving one another. With the variety of free resources, any church or ministry (that is starting off) can use these lessons to minster and teach their youth about the importance of knowing the Bible and the Lord’s truth.
Author’s Background
Phil Strout is the National Director of Vineyard USA, an association of approximately 600 congregations nationwide. He brings over thirty-five years of experience in the areas of church planting and cross-cultural missions to his role and is a self-described contemplative activist – with a focus on the deepening interior journey of the Christian being the catalyst for sustainable, fruitful longevity in life, faith, and mission.
What’s Included
Vineyard Youth provides a variety of free lessons. Each lesson has a brief analysis of each subject and the reason why it was written in the first place.
Free Curriculums
- Sermon on the Mount– 13 weeks
- Empowered by the Spirit– 13 weeks
- Worship – 12 weeks
- Risk Takers– 4 weeks
- Community Starts with You– 5 weeks
- We Are One– 4 weeks
- The Kingdom and You– 4 weeks
- Hearing God’s Voice– 4 weeks
5 Paid Curriculums
Here is a list of paid curriculums that can be perfect for your youth group. These vary from price ranges of $25 and up.
1. Leader Treks (Deep Discipleship)
Deep Discipleship’s files are useful. There are eight core lessons (roots) that entitle the entire program:
- Rescue
- Knowledge
- Kingdom
- Outreach
- Apologetics
- Worship
- Community
- Identity
These eight core values teach youth the importance of Christ’s love, caring for their peers and the planet, and the identity as being children of God.

With all the attached documents being formated for both PDF and DOC form, every lesson and promo art file is accessible and able to be edited. You can customize each file to correspond with your sermons and lessons. All of Leader Trek’s content is interdenominational with Charismatic views.
This particular curriculum is created to take discipleship seriously. Deep Disciple supplies a variety of resources and tools to help you be intentional and go more in-depth with your students.
Leader Treks cost for their curriculum is $349 (one time pay).
What’s Included:
Leader Treks Youth Ministry’s package includes:
52 Lessons
- PDFs of 2 guides (Facilitator and Student)
- Holiday lessons and scriptures
- Activities for the lessons (Icebreakers, and questions)
- Scripture structures for memorization
- Digital lessons for volunteers online
- Powerpoint slides
- Promo art (for Instagram, posters, and web banners)
- Memory verses
- Gospel thread videos
- Countdown videos
- Motion loops
- Bumper videos
- Student discipleship tracker
- Volunteer training videos
- Volunteer tips and training
- Parent guide
- Questions designed for parents
- Family activity
- Training video for youth workers
Annual Ministry Blueprint
- Gospel thread (8 Roots of Discipleship)
- Yearly teaching outline
- Instructions of small and large groups
- Online tracker management
- Online message center
- Digital ministry calendar
2. G Shades
G Shades is nondenominational in affiliation. The main audience that Gshades aim for is generation Z. Their goal is to inspire and motivate the younger generation to want to be more like the Apostle Paul. They also aspire to teach the preteens about Christ, His love, and how important their generation is to see through the same lens as Paul did.

G Shades Youth Ministry Curriculum utilizes a unique teaching strategy designed to help your students develop a confident, gospel-focused approach to navigating an increasingly complex culture.
About The Author
Eric Graham is the youth pastor (for Christ’s Church on the Move) who creates the content of each lesson. This specific religious institution has a passion for people, their city, and the world. Their culture and leadership are characterized by worship, the love of God, and an authentic call to ministry. They want their leaders and authorities of the church to show their students the importance of following after Christ’s own heart and when they move, He moves.
G Shade provides each curriculum for only $25 each. These lessons time expectancy lasts for approximately 4 weeks and they cover different Biblical topics ranging from the importance of following God’s commands to becoming more confident in their mentality.
What’s Included
Here are the separate curriculums that are available to purchase online and also what each package consist of:
Ring The Bell – $25
Series overview: This four-week lesson is for the introduction of all the other series.
- 1 Getting Started Guide
- 4 Message Manuscripts
- 4 Small-Group Guides
- 4 Youth Ministry Games
- 5 Daily Digital Devotionals Per Week
- 1 Parent Guide
- 1 Ministry Leader Guide
- Slide Graphics and Bumper Video
You can get this curriculum here: Ring The Bell Series
Planet of the apes – $25
Series overview: This four-week lesson is for
- Week 1: What you see determines what you do
- Week 2: You’ll stop running from God and start running toward Him
- Week 3: You’ll place your sense of self-worth in what God thinks about you
- Week 4: You’ll treat “scummy” people like sick people
You can get this curriculum here: Planet of The Apes Series
Dimmature- $25
Series overview: This four-week lesson is for the Gifts/Talents through the lens of the gospel.
- 1 Getting Started Guide
- 4 Message Manuscripts
- 4 Small-Group Guides
- 4 Youth Ministry Games
- 5 Daily Digital Devotionals Per Week
- 1 Parent Guide
- 1 Ministry Leader Guide
- Slide Graphics and Bumper Video
You can get this curriculum here: Dimmature Series
In Medias Res – $25
Series overview: This four-week lesson is through the lens of the gospel
- 1 Getting Started Guide
- 4 Message Manuscripts
- 4 Small-Group Guides
- 4 Youth Ministry Games
- 5 Daily Digital Devotionals Per Week
- 1 Parent Guide
- 1 Ministry Leader Guide
- Slide Graphics and Bumper Video
You can get this curriculum here: In Medias Res Series
Echo – $25
Series overview: This four-week lesson is for the usage of social media through the lens of the gospel.
- 1 Getting Started Guide
- 4 Message Manuscripts
- 4 Small-Group Guides
- 4 Youth Ministry Games
- 5 Daily Digital Devotionals Per Week
- 1 Parent Guide
- 1 Ministry Leader Guide
You can get this curriculum here: Echo Series
We’ve Got Spirit – $25
Series overview: This four-week lesson is for the Back to School period.
- 1 Getting Started Guide
- 4 Message Manuscripts
- 4 Small-Group Guides
- 4 Youth Ministry Games
- 5 Daily Digital Devotionals Per Week
- 1 Parent Guide
- 1 Ministry Leader Guide
- Slide Graphics and Bumper Video
You can get this curriculum here: We’ve Got Spirit Series
3. Christian Ministry Deals
All curriculums have the time expectancy of 4 weeks and are approximately $100 apiece.
All curriculums are made perfectly for 7th-12th Grade students. Lessons cover the explanation of the Great Commission to the importance of waiting till marriage. Each lesson teaches the youth how to answer controversial questions with equality, love, and without submitting to society.
Author’s Background
Children’s Ministry Deals offers fun & creative ideas for children’s church lessons. With 100+ Bible-based curriculum packages to keep your kids engaged, you’ll find the perfect children’s ministry resources for your Sunday School and kids ministry classes.
What’s Included
Each lesson includes:
Downloaded lesson overviews, pop quizzes, printable discussion guides, lesson activities such as games and projects), social media resources, and graphics (virtual and paper posters).
Free Curriculums
Here are just a few of the lessons that are accessible.
- Coffee With Jesus 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Celebrity Status 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Social Media Christmas 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- #Why I’m Single– 4-Week Curriculum $100
- Worth the Wait 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Would You Rather 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Social Proof 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Credit Card Faith 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Jesus Is 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Life After Graduation 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Playlist 8-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Going Pro 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Hashtag 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Whole Faith 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Boy Meets Girl 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Crisis Management 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Divergent Faith 6-Week Curriculum ($100)
- YOLO 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- FUN 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- CrossFit 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- GPS 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Swimming Upstream 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Taboo 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Jesus 101 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- VS 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- What If 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Hunger and Thirst Games 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Elephants 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
- Smart Money 4-Week Curriculum ($100)
For more options click here.
4. XP3 High School
XP3 High School is a downloadable curriculum for students grades 9-12. It’s also the key high school curriculum component of the Orange Strategy! XP3 High School exists to help high schools experience three things: wonder for who God is, the discovery of who He created them to be, and passion for loving others.
All Lessons range from $13-$120
Click here for the free trial.
Author’s Background
Think Orange’s (XP3) team consists of educators, producers, musicians, pastors, artists, designers, writers, editors, parents, doers, thinkers, and dreamers. And we all want to join your team to help you create a better experience this week for kids and teenagers.
What’s Included
Here are a few lesson expansions:
- God’s Design & Purpose for Our Bodies-One Month ($49)
- XP3 Curriculum Expansion Pack for Fall (High School) ($120)
For more (updated) curriculums, click here.
5. Viva
Viva is a series of short, downloadable, curriculum resources for your youth ministry. Whether you are looking for a last-minute lesson plan or ideas to add to your teaching, Viva is designed for youth workers leading the revolution.
All lessons are exactly $5.99 each.
Author’s Background
The Youth Cartel’s (Viva) work falls into two primary buckets: stuff for individual youth workers, and stuff for organizations (church and ministries).

For individual youth workers, we offer our flagship Youth Ministry Coaching Program, speaking, training events. They offer full-services consulting agency specializing in helping you understand and connect with teenagers, young adults, and youth workers.
What’s Included
Take a Course:
- Reframing Discipleship-4 Lessons
- Crafting a Youth Ministry Resume-2 Lessons
- Impacting Your Campus-4 Lessons
- Feeding The 5000– 4 Lessons
- Conflict– 4 Lessons
- Tolerance-4 Lessons
- New You– 4 Lessons
- The Third Way-4 Lessons
- Holy Spirit– 4 Lessons
- Community-4 Lessons
There’s a vast majority of topics and lessons to teach your youth. To access their entire library of documents, click here.