Whether you are buying a new house or simply wanting your current house to be blessed, praying over your house can be a powerful way to protect your home. Praying over your home can stop the devil from having a foothold.
Why do Christian pray to bless their house? Christians pray to bless their house to protect them against demons who may be living in their home. They pray to remove the demon and allow the presence of God in. Christian often pray this when moving into a new home.
Christians believe prayer is a powerful tool. We bring our requests to God and help destroy the devil’s strongholds. Below are some specific prayers for different ways to bless your home.
1. Prayer for Protection
Dear God, I thank you for this home. I pray that you would come and protect this home against the attack of the enemies. I pray against any evil that tries to enter this home, and strength to overcome temptation. I pray we will leave no opportunity for the devil to enter, instead fill this house with your presence Lord and that our family would instead grow in you, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
We all want our homes to be protected, we don’t want anything to come into our house to disrupt our lives in a harmful way. As it says in Ephesians 4:27 we want to “give no opportunity to the devil,” instead we want to promote what is spiritually and physically beneficial for us and our family.

We want to pray for protection over us and our families because we live in a sinful world full of temptation and sin that can come into our lives and disrupt our relationship with God. We know, because of the promises in the Bible, God will be with us.
2. Prayer for Safety
Dear God, I pray over this home and everyone in it. Lord, I pray that you will keep this home safe both spiritually and physically. I pray for the safety of the physical house against damage, and the members of this house against injury and sickness. I pray that when trials come to this home you would give us the strength to trust in you, that your will be done, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
We want our family to be safe. We want our house to be safe from issues such as leakage or fire, and our family safe from injury and sickness.
A blessing in this area does not mean that everything you pray against will not happen, instead, we are inviting God to work in our home and family, and ultimately for his will to be done.
When praying for safety we know that sometimes that things happen in life because we live in a sinful world, but we can invite God to work in those areas. We can trust God to be with us and our families and he will work through those situations.
3. Prayer for Your Coming and Going
Dear God, I pray for all those in this house that as they come and go you will keep them safe, but also help them to exemplify you, Lord. I pray that we would feel your presence with us even as we leave the home. I pray that as we enter the home we would feel your presence and would only bring what will be helpful for us and others as we enter. Lord, thank you for always being with us, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Every time we leave and enter the house we want to know that God will be with us, and from God’s word, we know that is true.
The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.
Psalm 121:8
We can pray a prayer a of blessing for every time we leave to not only be protected but to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh as we go out into the world representing Jesus. And in our coming, we want to leave behind sin and distractions that will take us away from God and our family.

God is faithful and will be with us in our coming and our going as it promises in the scriptures. We can still pray this over our home as we want this true for everyone, every day, and for it to be evident in our lives.
4. Prayer for Family
Dear God, I thank you for my family, I pray that throughout this home we will be able to feel your presence. I pray for each of my family members that you would bless them and protect them as they go about their day and help point their eyes towards you, In Jesus name, Amen.
Praying over our family is extremely important as our house is where our family sleeps, eats, and lives. We want our family to be blessed while in the home, and for the ability to rest in the Lord while at home. Instead of bringing anything dishonorable into our home, we want to dedicate it to God to let him work.
But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15
This verse was is from the book of Joshua occurring after the Israelites had made it to the promised land. Joshua their leader at the time told the people who to choose, false idols, or the one true God. Joshua proclaimed that his household would serve the Lord. as should our declaration be.
In our house we want all members of our families to be blessed as they go about their day. Prayer for our family can be especially important if they do not believe as prayer gives us a chance to pray for God to work in their lives to bring them closer to him.
5. Prayer for the Lord’s Presence
Dear God, I pray for your presence to invade and fill every corner of this home. I thank you that you are always with us and care for us. I pray that we would be able to feel that in our home. I pray our home will be a place of rest and peace because of your presence and that we would desire to grow closer to you, in Jesus name, Amen
We want our homes as Christians to not just be our own home, but the Lord’s home. We want to invite the Lord’s presence into our home to work as he will in our lives and in all those who enter.
We know the Lord is always with us because the Holy Spirit is living inside of us, but we want our homes to also be filled with the Holy Spirit so we can live in the spirit in every way.
6. Prayer for Guests
Dear God, I pray that as we invite others into our house that we would use this time wisely to show your love to them. I thank you that you are here in our house and I pray that they would be able to feel the peace that comes from you in our house, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
When we share our homes with others, either for a long or short period of time, we want them to also feel the Lord’s presence and protection. When we invite people into our home, we have an opportunity to share the love of Christ with them.
It is so important to pray over those coming in your house since they are guests and the Bible instructs us to be hospitable.

Our home can become a place that God can use in amazing ways because of prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool where we get to communicate with the creator of the universe. We can bring the Holy Spirit into our homes and not let the devil have a foothold in our homes or in the lives of those in our family.