As a student attending a missionary college, I have heard many songs about missionaries. My school often plays songs about missions or missionaries during chapel which have have encouraged me throughout my time at school. I decided to research missionary songs and compile a list of the top songs about missionaries.
What is a “missionary song”? A missionary song is simply a worship song about missionaries and their mission work. These songs would praise God for the work He is doing around the world. They would also be used to encourage missionaries as they are living away from their home.
These songs are words of praise to God. They tell of His goodness and faithfulness. I hope these songs remind you of the importance of sharing the Gospel.
22 Songs about Missionaries
I hope you are uplifted as you listen to these 22 songs about missionaries. I would encourage you to take time to pray for missionaries around the world after listening to these songs. If you know a missionary personally, consider praying for them and then shooting them a text or email to let them know you are thinking about them. To start, a song from YWAM:
1. “Missionary Anthem”
The harvest is ready we have to go. We won’t stop till the whole world knows the power in Your blood to save every soul. We’re not ashamed of the gospel. I will preach the gospel die and be forgotten as long as you get the glory.
2. “Mission’s Flame”
Let worship be the fuel for mission’s flame. We’re going with a passion for Your name. We’re going for we care about Your praise. Send us out.
Matt Redman
3. “To the Ends of the Earth”
Jesus, I believe in You and I would go, to the ends of the earth.
Hillsong Worship
To the ends of the earth for you alone are the son of God and all the world will see that You are God. You are God.
4. “Here I Am, Send Me”
Here am I send me. I’ll follow wherever You lead. I will tell the world that Jesus is the way. Won’t you send me Lord here I am. I offer my dreams my plans. I will give my life a living sacrifice. Lord here I am.
Matt Papa
5. “Song for the Nations”
May we be a shining light to the nations. A shining light to the peoples of the earth. Till the whole world sees the glory of Your name. May Your pure light shine through us
Jim Gilbert
6. “A Missionary’s Prayer”
Father I hear thee call. I turn my thoughts to thee forsaking all. Recalling promises we all must keep…Lead me to those who seek and give my faith and strength.
Janice Kapp Perry
7. “Let it Start with Me”
Let it start with me. Open up my eyes. Fill my heart with your compassion. Free my mind from all distractions. Use my hands, to set the captive free. Move my feet to follow after you. Lord change the world and let it start with me.
No Other Name
8. “I’m Gonna Go”
I’m going to go on a mission and I want to be ready to serve… I’m going to go on a mission and I’m learning the Gospel so I can share what’s real.
My Call to Serve
9. “Holding Nothing Back”
We must go live to feed the hungry Stand beside the broken, we must go. Stepping forward keep us from just singing move us into action, we must go.
Tim Hughes
10. “Praise the Sending God”
He’s fortified our hearts, He’s strong where we are weak.
Kristen Gilles
He’s made us more than conquerors, And Satan’s more than beat!
Praise the Sending God! Praise the Sending God! Praise the Sending God! Hallelujah!
11. “We’ll Bring the World His Truth”
We will be the Lord’s missionaries to bring the world His truth. We know His plan and we will prepare increase our knowledge through study and prayer. Daily we will learn until we are called to take the Gospel to all the world.
Rebecca Mohler
12. “Send Me Out”
Send me out to the world. I want to be your hands and feet. I want to be your voice every time I speak. I want to run to the once in need in the name of Jesus. I want to give my life away all for your kingdom’s sake. Shine a light in a dark place for the name of Jesus.
Steve Fee
13. “Until the Whole World Hears”
Lord I want my life to be the song You sing. Until the whole world hears Lord we are calling out. Lifting your name up for all to hear the sound. Like voices in the wilderness we’re crying out as the day draws near. We’ll sing until the whole world hears
Casting Crowns
14. “Go”
This is a call, now everybody follow. Go tell the world that Jesus reigns. Go the broken, go to the helpless. Go set the captive free. Come one, come all. Come young, come old. Come everyone.
Kristian Stanfill
15. “I Will Follow”
Where You go, I’ll go. Where You stay, I’ll stay. When You move, I’ll move. I will follow You. Who You love, I’ll love. How You serve I’ll serve. If this life I lose, I will follow You. I will follow You
Chris Tomlin
16. “Break Our Hearts”
And send us out to shine in the darkness. It’s time to move outside our comfort zone. To see beyond our churches and our homes. To change the way we think and how we spend. Until we look like Jesus again. Here I am send me. To be Your hands and feet. Here I am send me I will go.
Vicky Beeching
17. “I Will Go”
I will go, I will go. I will go, Lord send me. To the world, To the lost. To the poor and hungry. Take everything I am. I’m clay within your hands. I will go, I will go, send me. Let me not be blind with privilege Give me eyes to see the pain. Let the blessing You’ve poured out on me not be spent on me in vain. Let this life be used for change.
18. “Send Us Out”
Fill us up and send us out, Fill us up and send us out. In the strength and power of our God. Would You fill us up and send us out? In my life be glorified, in my life be glorified. Jesus you be lifted higher, in my life be glorified.
Brenton Brown
19. “The Power of Your Name”
Let Your Kingdom come. Here in my heart and I will live to carry compassion. To love a world that’s broken. To be Your hands and feet and I will give with the life that I’ve been given and go beyond religion to see the world be changed. By the power of Your name.
Lincoln Brewster
20. “Follow You”
Use my hands use my feet to make Your kingdom come to the corners of the earth until Your work is done. Faith without works is dead so how could we not give it away so freely? On the cross, your blood was shed. Follow You into the homes of the broken
Follow You into the world. Meet the needs of the poor and the needy God. Follow You into the world
21. “Hands and Feet”
I’ll be your hands. I’ll be your feet. I’ll go where you send me
I’ll go where you send me and I’ll try, yeah I’ll try to touch the world like you touched my life. And I’ll find my way to be your hands. I’ll abandon every selfish thought I’ll surrender every thing I’ve got. You can have everything I am and perfect everything I’m not.
21. “I Hope They Call Me on a Mission” (Children’s Song)
I hope they call me on a mission. When I have grown a foot or two. I hope by then I will be ready to teach and preach and work as missionaries do. I hope that I can share the gospelWith those who want to know the truth. I want to be a missionary and serve and help the Lord while I am in my youth.
Newel Kay Brown
22. “I Will be Valiant” (Children’s Song)
The Lord needs valiant servants, to do his work in the latter day, who follow the teachings of JesusAnd serve his people in a loving way. I will be his servantAnd keep my cov’nants valiantly. I’ll stand for truth. I’ll stand for right.The Lord can depend on me.
Vanja Y. Watkins
12 Hymns about Missionaries
Here are 13 hymns about missionaries. These hymns give us a glimpse into what was going on in the hearts of Christians who lived before us. These hymns are beautiful and they remind us of how important it is to follow God.
1. “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! We’ll prevail in prayer. Oh, haste the gospel message
Mrs. G. R. Warner
Of salvation full and free To each tribe and ev’ry nation that doth wait across the sea. Long and patiently they’ve waited; Can’t you hear their earnest plea? Oh, now prevail in prayer.
2. “The Master’s Calling”
Listen while you still can here. Listen while you still can here.
Deborah Joy Winans
The master’s calling. The master’s calling. Bow down while your knees still bend. Bow down while your knees still bend. The master’s calling. The master’s calling. I don’t wanna, wanna walk away, walk away from him. I don’t wanna, wanna walk away,
walk away from him. Bind me to your side. Bind me to your side
3. “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”
O for a thousand tongues to sing. My great Redeemer’s praise, the glories of my God and King, the triumphs of His grace. My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, to spread through all the earth abroad, the honors of Thy name.
Charles Wesley
4. “A Missionary’s Cry”
A hundred thousand souls a day are passing one by one away in Christless guilt and gloom; Without one ray of hope or light, With future dark as endless night, They’re passing to their doom, They’re passing to their doom. Refrain They’re passing, passing fast away. In thousands day by day; They’re passing to their doom, They’re passing to their doom. O Holy Ghost, Thy people move, Baptize their hearts with faith and loveAnd consecrate their gold.
A.B. Simpson
5. “O’er the Gloomy Hills of Darkness”
O’er the gloomy hills of darkness. Look my soul! be still, and gaze!
Rev. William Williams
See the promises advancing To a glorious Day of grace! Blessed Jubilee, Let thy glorious morning dawn! Let the dark, benighted pagan, Let the rude barbarian see That divine and glorious conquest Once obtained on Calvary. Let the Gospel Loud resound from pole to pole.
6. “Watchman, Tell Us of the Night”
Watchman, tell us of the night. What its signs of promise are!
Sir John Bowring
Traveler, on yon mountain height. See that glory-beaming star!Watchman, does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell? Trav’ler, yes; it brings the day, Promised day of Israel. Watchman, tell us of the night; Higher yet that star ascends. Trav’ler, blessedness and light Peace and truth its course portends.
7. “Morning Has Broken”
Morning has broken like the first morning. Blackbird has spoken like the first bird. Praise for the singing. Praise for the morning
Eleanor Farjeon
Praise for them springing fresh from the world. Sweet the rain’s new fall, sunlit from heaven Like the first dewfall on the first grass. Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden. Sprung in completeness where his feet pass.
8. “Speed Away, Speed Away”
Speed away! Speed away on your mission of light, To the lands that are lying in darkness and night; Tis the Master’s command; go ye forth in His name, The wonderful gospel of Jesus proclaim;
Fanny J. Crosby
Take your lives in your hand, to the work while ’tis day, Speed away! speed away! speed away! Speed away, speed away with the life-giving Word, To the nations that know not the voice of the Lord; Take the wings of the morning and fly o’er the wave, In the strength of your Master the lost ones to save; He is calling once more, not a moment’s delay, Speed away! speed away! speed away!
9. “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”
Let every kindred, every tribe on this terrestrial ball, to Him all majesty ascribe, and crown Him Lord of all. To Him all majesty ascribe, and crown Him Lord of all. Crown him, you martyrs of our God, Who from his altar call; Extol the stem of Jesse’s rod
Edward Perronet
and crown him Lord of all. Extol the stem of Jesse’s rod and crown him Lord of all.
10. “Onward Christian Soldiers”
Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before. Christ the Royal Master Leads against the foe; Forward into battle, See, His banners go! Onward, Christian soldiers. Like a mighty army Moves the Church of God; Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod; We are not divided, All one body we, One in hope, in doctrine, One in charity.
Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould
11. “Take my Life and Let it Be”
Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love. Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.
Frances Ridley Havergal
12. “Thine be the Glory”
Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son;
Edmond Budry
endless is the victory, thou o’er death hast won;
angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,
kept the folded grave clothes where thy body lay.
Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son,
Endless is the vict’ry, thou o’er death hast won
If you would like to know the meaning behind many of the hymns mentioned, click here.

Missionary songs can encourage the church to continue pursuing God. They can also help us remember the importance of helping to fulfill the Great Commission. These missionary hymns tell us beautiful stories and declarations of past missionaries. We can praise God for the work He has done throughout the centuries and for what He is doing in our generation.
Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.
1 Chronicles 16:23-25