If you have a heart for missions and are seeking inspiration, look no further. Missionary poems can give us a fresh perspective and passion for missions. They’re a beautiful way to capture the rawness and realness of missions, so I’ve decided to compile a list of the most heartfelt missionary poems.
What is a missionary poem? A missionary poem is just that—a poem either about missions work or missionaries themselves. They can be incredibly simple, but straightforward and moving, inspiring us again to follow the missionary call upon our lives.
Save the Lost
Where is the compassion
To seek and save the lost
Did we not receive redemption
When we were dead and lostHow is it that we do not
Go out to share the Word
And wipe out the evil plot
Of condemning all from GodRise up and take up your cross
To all who suffer death and loss
Living in the dark
Without a glimmer or sparkBring His Light and Hope
Marilyn Bouniu
To the blind who grope
That they may receive sight for their eyes
And Truth for their lives
My Reward
A lady said to me one day,
You’re very foolish, I must say,
To leave your home and friends you love
And for no wage, preach God above.Our Pastors get a salary great;
The gospel truths to promulgate
You come out for two years’ time
And don’t receive a single dime.That’s true I said, I don’t get paid
As your Pastors do, in temporal aid.
My ransom is the joy sublime
That fills my soul at evening time.When I have tried with one accord
To spread the Gospel of my Lord,
The chance to serve means more to me
On The Way
There’s a thunder of great engines,
John R. Himes
Calling back to the homeland.
There’s a stretch of lofting wings,
Reaching out a helping hand.
There’s a quiver in the heart;
I wonder why I leave my land.
There’s a longing for the future—
Many souls to feel God’s hand.
Dare to Climb the Mountain
Many people view the mountain,
But few ever want to climb.
For when you scale the mountain
you must leave the crowd behind.There’s a mountain that God offers
Those who climb it must be true,
Its peak’s called full-time service
and it beckons me and you.Will you dare to climb the mountain
though at times you’ll feel alone?
Will you be a missionary,
leave the comfort of your home?Now the way—it won’t be easy—
many folks won’t understand.
But there’ll be applause in heaven
and the Lord will hold your hand.You won’t hear loud cheers and trumpets
When you tell folks of your plans.
They’ll say “Why climb the mountain?”
“Why not play in the sand?”But the voice still rings from heaven,
“Give me men to match my mountains High”
Men who won’t give up—
who’ll reach the top or die.As you journey up the mountain,
you’ll feel the cold winds blow,
And at times you’ll get discouraged
and your steps began to slow.If you will just keep on the trail,
and refuse to turn around,
you can stand atop the mountain,
No better place is found.When you stand there at the summit
with the world all far below,
You’ll see the sights reserved for climbers
and your heart will seem to glow.The guide that led you to the top
will be there at setting sun
and whisper at the end of the climb,
“Let’s go home and rest, well done.”
Missionary Work
Today I went from house to house
I knocked at every door,
In answer to my summons came
The rich as well as poor.For each I had a message,
Which I hoped they would receive.
It was the pure and holy Gospel,
God forbid that I deceive.Says one, I’ve heard about you,
That’s all I need to know;
You waste your time, I’m busy,
There’s the gate, you’d better go.Says another, all are equal—
There are many roads to heaven,
And I am quite content to know
My church is one of seven.While number three with candor says,
Yours may be good and true,
But I’ve been saved these many years,
I’ve nothing more to do.Too bad, young man, says number four,
You’re on the devil’s way,
He’ll get you sure as shootin’;
You keep not the seventh day.Says number five: don’t talk to me,
My seat in heaven’s reserved,
For I’ve been born again —
You know, with manna I’ll be served.But oh! What joy when number six
With open smiling face,
Fling wide the door,
Come in my friend, we’ll gladly hear your case.And so I plant the gospel seed as humbly as I can,
I tell them of our Prophets, of the Great and Glorious plan.
And oh what joy is mine to know that God has chosen me
To bear His name and teach His words — oh may I worthy be.And so throughout the day I go
Sometimes a bit dismayed —
But, at the end, how thankful for
The friends that I have made.Now those who turn me from their door
And would not try to learn
May I forgive; our God is just,
He’ll pay just what we earn.And when at night
David C. Cain
I bow my head, in gratitude I pray
That the love of God and fellow man
Will ever with me stay.
I Must Work
I must work the works of Jesus,
While it’s day and light is here;
For the day will soon be over
And the night will then appear.Work the works of Him Who sent me,
John R. Himes
Give the Gospel to the lost,
Tell all men that He’s the Savior
And His blood has paid the cost.
So Many People Are Lost
So many people are lost in their sins
and will wake up in the lake of fire when they die
While alive on earth they received not the Gospel of Jesus
and believed the devil’s lie.They thought they must be okay
because they were just doing what everyone else did
but they failed to realize the truth that most people
are on their way to hell and took Satan’s bid.So many people are blind of their soul’s eternal plight
and are heading down the road to disaster
With more and more people being deceived each day
hell is filling up faster and fasterWho will go and warn the sinner of this eternal hell to avoid
by trusting Jesus as their savior before it is too late
that many people will hear and repent
and turn to Jesus for forgiveness without delay or waitForgive me O Lord my savior for not doing all I should
Cindy Wyatt
to witness to people of your great salvation and love them as you would
The Mission Within a Mission
A long time ago before we were born,
We chose to follow Christ
To come down to earth to learn, and to grow,
And hopefully do what is right.One by one we accepted our calls,
And left all our memories behind.
Did we have a farewell, an open house?
Was it hard to say our goodbyes?Some of us were born with the truth,
Being taught from the very start.
But some were not as fortunate,
With situations often hard.Our Brothers and Sisters struggling with life,
And their knowledge of Christ quite dim,
It is now our duty to seek them out,
To teach them all about Him.So now we begin the process again,
As we make the decision to go,
Called by a living Prophet himself,
And our excitement begins to grow.So one more farewell and open house,
With Jell-O of carrots and lime.
Our friends and family gather again,
To say goodbye one more time.The Mission within our mission is clear,
Elder Geertsen
To introduce others to Christ.
To help them to learn, and help them to grow,
And progress towards eternal life.
Who Will Go?
Who will go and preach God’s Holy Word,
Deborah Smith Plemmons
To the many souls who have never heard?
Who will go forth sowing and weeping?
For there will be souls for the reaping.
Who will go to the next door neighbor,
To tell them about Jesus Christ, their Savior?
Who will go to help those in need?
Whether poor or rich, who will plant the seed?
Who will go to the regions beyond you,
To share the Gospel, whether to many or few?
Who will go to a foreign field,
Where souls of the Harvest are ready to yield?
Who will go? God asks the question.
Here am I, send me. Go without hesitation.
Beautiful Feet
Having beautiful feet is being a witness and soul winner
to spread the good news of the gospel to every lost sinnerHaving beautiful feet is going where sent
Following our savior’s command without relentHaving beautiful feet is obeying the great commission
Being faithful to the savior’s calling and being on a missionHaving beautiful feet is sharing the gospel with those who’ve never heard
Explaining the way of salvation in God’s Holy WordHaving beautiful feet is proclaiming the good news to all who will hear
Remembering Jesus died for all and to Him every soul is dearHaving beautiful feet is showing the ungodly that Jesus died for them
And they can be forgiven and receive eternal life when they trust in HimOh how beautiful are the feet of those who witness for God’s glory
The faithful servants whose purpose is to tell the gospel storyDear Jesus, please give me beautiful feet
Cindy Wyatt
Help me to care about souls and not be asleep