Have you ever wondered where the kingdom of God is today? Are we still waiting for it to come or has it already arrived? If God’s kingdom has come, why do we still see so much confusion and chaos in the world today? What is the kingdom of God?
What Is Kingdom Theology? Kingdom theology is the study of the kingdom of God and where it is in age we are living in. Kingdom theology from the Bible shows us that the kingdom of God came when Christ came to earth. God’s kingdom is not yet fully present on earth because Satan has blinded the hearts of humanity and is the ruler over this dark world.
In this blog, we will look at biblical kingdom theology, false kingdom theological viewpoints that oppose the Bible, and why it is important to study kingdom theology as followers of Jesus.
Kingdom Theology Definition
Kingdom theology is the study of the kingdom of God and where it is in age we are living in.
Kingdom theology divides all of human history into two different ages. From the Bible, we learn that there is the present evil age and the age to come.

There are many debates about whether we are living the evil age or the age to come. It is important to study the Bible so that we can understand the truth and define what age we are living in and where the kingdom of God is at.
Viewpoints On Kingdom Theology
There are several theological movements and viewpoints that we need to be careful of when studying kingdom theology. Many of them oppose the Bible and are heretical to the truth of who Jesus Christ is.
We will first look at these different views and then study what kingdom theology is based on from the Bible.
The “Already, But Not Yet” Kingdom Theology Movement
One viewpoint on kingdom theology is the “already, but not yet” kingdom theology movement.
Also known as inaugurated eschatology, this theology is the study of the last days on earth and the end times.
Those who hold the inaugurated eschatology view believe that the last days were started by Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension to the Father.
Christians who hold this view believe that the kingdom of God came when Jesus came to earth and that it is still here physically. They also believe that if people have enough faith, then they can live without suffering or death.
While the kingdom of God did come when Christ came down to earth, we do not get to experience it fully where there is no sickness, suffering, or death. We can see this plainly by looking at the world around us.
As followers of Jesus, we know that Jesus reigns over our hearts as Lord and Savior, yet no amount of our faith in Jesus can bring an end to the chaos in this world. But, when Jesus returns a second time in His glory He will bring an end to the suffering we experience here on earth.
Kingdom Now Theology
Another view that opposes the Bible is kingdom now theology.
Those who believe in this view believe that God has lost control over the world when Adam and Eve sinned and that all power over the world was given to Satan.
Because of this, those who hold this view believe God is trying to gain back control by choosing people who can bring social spheres of influence back under His authority.
However, while it is true that Satan is the ruler of this world at the moment, God has not lost control of the world.
God has always been fully in control and is never worried when things do not seem to be going the way we thought they would.
I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no claim on me. but I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father.
John 14:30 ESV
Those who claim this theology also believe that people can control their own destinies by having more faith.
However, this view takes away the need for Jesus to return to earth. If Jesus does not come back to establish His kingdom, what hope do we have?
God is also not dependent on people for their faith, and people cannot control their destiny by how much faith they have.

God’s plan also cannot be disrupted. God will establish His kingdom on earth by His will, not by institutions of the earth.
Dominion Theology
Similar to the kingdom now theology, dominion theology is the belief that all social aspects will be reconstructed and ruled over by Christianity.
People who hold this theology also believe that Christ will not return to the earth until a kingdom has been established on earth by all people. They also believe that all of society will one day follow the law of God and be living out the Great Commission.
This would mean that all areas such as government, politics, law, entertainment, and business would be Christ-honoring and God-glorifying within the age we live in.
However, if we look around us in the world today, we know that it does not know Jesus nor honor Him as holy.
We also know from the Bible that even in the last days, there will be people who will not be repentant and turn away from their sins.
The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk, nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.
Revelation 9:20-21 ESV
While Jesus paid for our sins on the cross by His blood, and all of those who believe in Him are set free from sin, the world cannot be free from sin until Jesus comes back and sets up His kingdom fully on the new heaven and earth He will create.
We cannot expect the world to get better. Instead, as followers of Jesus, we must remain obedient to God and His commands.
Word of Faith Theology
Word of faith theology is the belief that if you have enough faith, you can speak out and claim promises from God regarding health and wealth.
People who claim this theology believe that because they have the Holy Spirit living inside of them, they have the power to speak into existence things that are not there.
Thus bringing about the kingdom age where Christ will have full control over every aspect of the world.
However, only God can create something out of nothing, and we do not have the power to force things to come our way by claiming them through faith.
Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
John 14:13 ESV
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Mark 11:24 ESV
While the Bible does say that we can ask for anything in Jesus’ name and believe that we have received it, we must first do a study on how we are to pray.
Asking for anything and believing that you have already received it does not mean creating scripture promises and manipulating God to do something for us.
God is not subject to us, and we must pray according to His will and with a humble heart, trusting that He knows what is best for us. We cannot claim something that God has not told us in His Word.
Biblical Kingdom Theology
What does the Bible actually say about all of this?
Biblical kingdom theology actually teaches that both ages interact with each other.

The Bible talks about the present evil age as the time where the world is marked by sin, illness, death, war, and poverty. This is the age we live in today.
This started with the fall of mankind in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil.
At this point in history, the dominion which God had given to mankind to rule over all the earth was handed back over to Satan, the ruler of darkness.
Ever since that day, Satan has established a kingdom for himself that continually distorts God’s image and brings chaos to the world.
However, because God is sovereign, He never lost control of the earth.
God allowed sin, death, and darkness to cover the earth so that He could restore all things to Himself, bring glory to His name, and establish His kingdom.
This happened when Jesus came down to earth to live a sinless life, die, rise again, and ascend back to the Father, thus restoring mankind to God.
Thus, the kingdom of God came when Jesus came to earth, and is still here, yet we cannot fully experience it until Jesus comes back to earth to reign physically over us as our King.
The world we live in is still under the grip of the enemy.
When will this present evil age end? From our biblical understanding, the present evil age will continue until the second coming of Christ, which happens after the seven years of tribulation in the end times.
The kingdom of God is established not by faith but by the will of God. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father right now, and His kingdom is not of this world—nor is it based on a certain amount of people’s faith.
However, we are till to pray for Jesus to come quickly and for God’s kingdom to come fully and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We know this because Jesus taught his disciples to pray for God’s kingdom to come.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10 ESV
The age to come is when Jesus will reign on earth and there will be no more sin or suffering. No longer will there be pain or suffering or tears anymore.
God reigns over all of creation, and Jesus will reign physically on earth when He returns, locking Satan up for a thousand years.
God has not yet rid this world of sickness and death, though one day He will. You can experience aspects of His heart and His kingdom, but we all look forward to that day when Jesus shall come back and we shall live forever with Him.

Until Jesus Christ returns, we will not see the fullness of the kingdom of God. We may see glimpses of it now, but we are still waiting for the day when we can live in a world that is free from the grip of our enemy, Satan.
Why Kingdom Theology Matters
Having a correct view of kingdom theology matters because it influences how you view the time you are living in now and the time that is to come.
Biblical kingdom theology also matters because it will impact how you share your faith with others and what you believe God has asked you to do with your life.
From the Bible, we see that Christ has already established His kingdom here on earth but that it is not yet fully revealed to the entire world and won’t be until He returns to claim back His land with title deed in hand.
Then, when Christ shall return, will He do away with all sickness, pain, suffering, chaos, and darkness forever.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations.
Psalm 145:13a ESV
Praise God for the eternal hope we have in Jesus Christ!
One day all shall be restored and God’s kingdom will fully be established on the earth.