Thankfully for Christians, the Bible never says that we need to be self-reliant or to find strength from within ourselves. It also never says that we are to have perfect lives, filled with only happiness and without enemies. God understands that this life is filled with trials, pain, and hardships and He actually wants us to always be reliant on Him. Scripture makes it clear that hardship will come, but Scripture also shows us that we are okay to be weak and to cry out to help from God. And the best part? God actually listens, and He actually helps.
Here is a List of Christian Prayers for Help:
- A Prayer for God’s Help in a Time of Trouble
- The Psalms Prayer of H.E.L.P
- The Prayer for Help that Comforts
- Psalm 86
- A Prayer for Help during Illness
In this post, there is a list of powerful prayers of help. However, this post will not only go over Christian prayers of help, but we will also look to Scripture to see how God’s people prayed for help, and how He answers us.
5 Prayers for Help
Below, we have compiled a list of the best prayers of help that we have found. Our hope is that these prayers encourage you, just as they have encouraged others.
1. A Prayer For God’s Help in a Time of Trouble
You let Your Son die a brutal death on the Cross, paying the penalty for our sins, and through his resurrection, You’ve given us eternal life and access to Your glory. Oh Lord, thank You! In every situation in our lives, may we remember that You are sovereign over all… May every trial we go through in this life bring us closer to You. Our prayer today is for our enemies, our conspirators, and our foes. We are all imperfect, and You love us all equally. Help us to leave justice at Your feet, seeking peace and the Spirit’s sensitivity before lifting the gate on our emotions.
Right our hearts to place You at the helm. Bless our minds to run to You for solutions to problems that put our backs up against walls. Help us to resist gossip and slander, blame and unnecessary attacks on the character of others… When we are in trouble, help us to remember the cross. In the direst situation of all, Christ conquered death… We’re not promised this world will be easy or fair, but You guarantee Your presence and Your love. Grant us the courage to stick to Your standards. You are good, all the time. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

2. The Psalms Prayer of H.E.L.P
H. “Hear me lord and answer me for I am poor and needy.” (Psalm 86:1)
E. “Establish my steps in your word.” (Psalm 119:133)
L. “Let your compassion quickly meet our needs because we are on the brink of despair.” (Psalm 79:8)
P. “Protect me, God, because I take refuge in You. I say to the Lord, You are my Lord, apart from You I have nothing good.” (Psalm 16:1)
3. The Prayer for the Help that Comforts
“Dear God, some days feel too hard. I’m hurting, struggling, fighting fear and worry at every turn. But in the midst of it all, you haven’t left me to fend for myself. Forgive me for doubting You are there. Forgive me for thinking you’ve forgotten. Forgive me for believing that I somehow know the better way. You are fully trustworthy. You are all-powerful. You are able. You are Lord over every situation no matter how difficult it may seem. You are Healer and will never waste the grief I carry today. Anything is possible with You. I pray not only for my own grief but also for those who grieve today. I ask for Your comfort to surround those who weep. I pray for the peace of Your presence to cover our minds and thoughts, as you remind us, the enemy can never steal us out of Your hands. Amen.”
4. Psalm 86
“Listen to me, Lord, and answer me,
for I am helpless and weak.
Save me from death, because I am loyal to you;
save me, for I am your servant and I trust in you.
You are my God, so be merciful to me;
I pray to you all day long.
Make your servant glad, O Lord,
because my prayers go up to you.
You are good to us and forgiving,
full of constant love for all who pray to you.
Listen, Lord, to my prayer;
hear my cries for help.
I call to you in times of trouble,
because you answer my prayers…”
5. A Prayer for Help During Illness
“Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, I turn to You in this time of illness. Dearest Comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. We place our worries in Your hands. We ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your Will, even when we don’t understand it. Amen.”
Scriptures on Praying for Help
There are many examples throughout Scripture pointing to God’s help for humanity. The verses below will inspire you to keep seeking more verses about God’s help, as well as encouraging you to see that God is the ultimate Helper in this life.

Psalm 116:1-2
I love the LORD because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!
— Psalm 116:1-2
In Psalm 116, we find David crying out help from God. Not only do we find a prayer of desperation, but we discover that God is bending down to listen to him. God is hearing the prayer of help. And later in the Psalm, it is revealed that God does save David from death and despair because David cried out and the Lord heard him.
Let this Scripture passage be an encouragement to you; that God is listening to your prayers for help, and that He will show His mercy in the midst of hardship.
Isaiah 41:10,13
‘Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand… For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’
— Isaiah 41:10,13
This passage of Scripture encourages God’s people to hold firm in the faith that God is their helper and Savior. There is no fear when we fix our gaze upon the truth that God will help us in times of need and hardship. God promises later in this chapter that He will provide even in the most dire circumstances. A perfect example of this is verse 17, where the Lord says, “When the poor and needy search for water and there is none,
and their tongues are parched from thirst, then I, the LORD, will answer them. I, the God of Israel, will never abandon them.”
Psalm 63:7
“Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.”
— Psalm 63:7
In this verse, we find a testimony of how God is David’s helper. David lived a very treacherous life, full of hardship and conflict. However, because David writes a testimony of God’s help, we can be encouraged to see that God is faithful in times of trouble.